Friday, May 10, 2013


Setting in the office waiting for NAPA, and waiting till noon to call on our parts that are supposed to all be in at noon. Its18 lines on 11 pages, that's 118 parts or so. Lots of parts to go through if all the orders are in.

We are getting 2 mechanics from the Phoenix shop to help. We need to get some mechanics hired for here, things are looking up but we don't want to hire any new mechanics until we are sure we are going to get the new contract.  Its hard, Don was called out to review 2 or 3 new jobs today. We should have help by Monday.

I helped Don take the articulation apart on a 988H loader this morning in the shop yard. it was quite a delicate job. they have to come apart so far and only so far, too far and you will ruin the hoses. not far enough and you cant line bore them. New pins needed, the frame is cracked in several places from one of the pins being frozen. I don't know if the auto lube was bad, or if they just didn't make sure it was getting grease properly or if they persons did not not grease them according to schedule. Proper greasing saves the company much money. But we do not so standard Maintenance, that is done by their fleet maintenance people. If they don't do their job we have more to do on our end.

We have been setting not working and the machines have been working even with problems that cost more money to fix the longer they are broken. It just does not make since. But now if they start putting us back to work again, we will be hammered with work from all the time we were setting and the machines were running without care.

We were worried that we might loose El Paso, I hope it all works out. we like it here. & the money is good when we are working. 

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