Saturday, May 25, 2013

Power out

The power is out at the house, I have power in the camper cause I have a generator, but my Internet is down as is my TV, I can blog cause I have an app that let's me blog on or off line for later posting. It's very annoying, I tried to call the electric and they need my account number to even let me though their automated system to ask if its just this house or if its a block wide outage. I don't know the account number or the bosses last 4 of social. Just the address. 

I was able to get Internet but I don't know for how long, Don has this plug in power inverter battery charger, it was at 80% when I plugged in the Internet so we shall see how long I have Internet. Where there's a will there's a way, no TV tho unless I go plug in the TV and that will take away the Internet cause I only have one converter and they are in separate rooms. 

I can always charge the inverter at the camper, or I could run a power cord from the camper to the house. But that's only if we don't get power back soon. All I gotta do is watch the pool, if it comes back on we are in business.

Anyway I can't get a hold of Don and he has Glenn helping him in the field. Once they start making noise it's impossible to reach them in the field. 

The dogs an I are just setting here, I took my vitamins and now we are just chilling. 

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm...well, THAT sucks. Why'd power go out...storms or extreme heat?
