Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Work today 5-22-13

Have to go in at 9am. Paperwork and then some looking for leaf springs. We are trying to get a new mechanic and now we are out of work again. Everyone took the week off for the holiday I guess. I go in today and do some stuff, but probably won't work tomorrow. No need for me to work with nothing coming in. I have some sorting and inventory I could do, but until we get our contract there is not much use in doing that. 

Well at least I can get some stuff Done around the camper. They haven't called about our warranty work yet. They have to get approval and then get the stuff ordered. We already feel at home in Penny. She is much more of a home than the toy hauler. Much more comfortable, even the dogs like her better. I can stay up and watch a show after Don goes to bed or read and not bother him. 

Well am supposed to be in at 9 and it's 8:13, so I better get off here. 

Got some work today, so that's good. Found the leaf spring hangers, had to order them from Pa. So they Are on their way. Went to the cat dealer and took back cores, no parts ordered so no parts in. They did order some parts this afternoon, but they won't be ready till Friday at the earliest. 

Went to Souper Salad they used to be gluten free friendly, every day you had one gluten free soup, and 2 of the salad mixes were gluten free, then all the regular goodies, now no gluten free soup, and they started putting croutons in their Cesar salad, and Asian crispy noodles in the other salad. Both loaded with wheat. Only the bare lettuce (which is better for you anyway, cause you don't know what's in their dressings) but still it is disappointing. Their marinaded mushrooms are made with vinegar and oil and seasonings not supposed to have any bad stuff in the marinade, they are good. It's still a good place to eat, but I miss the gluten free soup, I know it's probably got bad chemical preservatives in it, but a little wouldn't be bad. Not like we eat there a lot. 

I just plopped EVOO on my salad and a little red vinegar. Some sun flour seeds. 

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