Thursday, May 23, 2013

Diet and day. 5-23-13

I weighed a day early and I only lost .6 of a lb this week, I guess the honey and GF bread along with  the weekend cheats got me. 2 sodas one at the rally and one later this week, and a couple beers at the rally. Beer does not have artificial sweeteners but it has yeast. The bread probably has yeast. I thought I found a Nice lime & pepper sauce but it has sodium benzoate in it which is a cancer causer and bad for you. If you see something that says no need to refridgate after opening it probably has that in it so don't use it. Read your labels. I so want to find a nice hot sauce with no vinegar in it, but you just can't. Vinegar is good for you, but I just want one without it, I have eaten half my jar of Trina's hot sauce. I guess I should just make my own too, it's not like there is a shortage of fresh peppers in El Paso, LOL. I have a nice Cook brand bullet grinder here. My food processor is still in Missouri, another thing to remember to get next time.  

No cheating this week. Those pork skins and pork belly with the skin I got at Ranchers Market, probably didn't help, but I could not help it, I was drooling just thinking about how close I was to the store at the Mini Dealer. It's a good thing that store Is on the south east side of town. Suppose to be cutting back on meat.. But hay all that cheatinig and I still lost .6 of a pound so what am I bitching bout, I didn't gain. Just goes to show if you really want to loose you have to eat the good food.. It's not about amounts as much as it is what.. Of course fasting in the mornings helps keep the amounts down. 

Off work today, I need to get a truck inspected and then go to the state police and get a paper signed. But the truck is not ready, it has to be inspected by one of our mechanics and make sure it will pass the inspection. 

So with no work today I'm going to get some vitamins at SAMs, then go to Home Depot and get some screws for our cabinets. The latches make you pull so hard on the doors if you are not very careful you jerk them open and over extend the hinges, then the screws get stripped out. I have learned to be careful,  but it only takes one visitor, or an accident to mess um up. I leave the doors I use constantly just almost latched so I don't have to pull them open. Is all about going down the road and not opening, so they need to be that way. These are just a little extreme. We didn't strip the screws, they were already stripped, they used wood glue With the same screws to try and fix um, but you need bigger screws with your wood glue to do it right. 

Sassy is taking it easy this morning, the dogs are snuggling under a blankie. 

Well it's time do do something constructive, like get on my Tiger and go shopping.. Sounds like A plan. 

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