Friday, May 24, 2013

Beautiful day here,

But then again it's almost always a beautiful day here, if you have to complain about the weather here then you are just weird. 

Don wants me to go to Missouri next week, I have to get a auctioneer out to look at the furniture and stuff, he said he will give me an offer on everything and I can take it or he will take it to the auction and get a percentage. Don thinks our stuff is worth more than I do, sure it's nice newer stuff, but you don't get newer prices for your stuff once you have taken it home. We have a nice garden tiller, a mower, chainsaws etc. I guess we need to take some of the money and buy a shed to put at Mom's to put what we are not ready to part with in. 

Moms house was supposed to be done so a guest room could take one of the beds out of the house and we could keep our deer heads on the wall in that room. They have to be in a climate controlled area. I hate to take them to Texas and put them in the dormitory house, cause we know we will have to move them again. We could sell some of them, we have 5. But I can't part with 2 of mine, and Don won't part with one of his. 

I don't know but I think he wants me to take the truck and trailer, I really hated driving that trailer empty back to Missouri the semis whip it when you pass them and its empty. I don't mind going in my car. I'm not going to be on the road over the holiday weekend, it's bad enough with all the trucks on those roads.  There really isn't that much stuff to bring back here. We have some trophies of vipers, and some pictures on the walls, they don't need to come here. 

I want my food processor, so I can make hot sauce. I want my bacon presses, my flat iron grill. My iron pan that is made for Spanish rice and sea food pan that I use for everything cause its iron and not chemical laden like the non stick rectangle pans. It's pretty big not sure it will fit in my oven:-((  I would bring my oster blender but its gotten to where it barely runs so it can go. I guess my bread machine can go, health wise I don't eat much bread, not even the GF kind. It's a very nice bread maker.. 

I have more clothes at the house, but there are only a few I need to keep. Don has already taken all his tools and clothes out. He has his collectables, his motorcycle toys. Those need boxed up. I need to get Grandma's accordion, if Moms house was done I would take it there, but I don't know what to do with it now. I suppose I could have Lavonne keep it. Then there is my XT500 Yamaha enduro Don found a new carburetor for it.. I still have the 100 Yamaha enduro too, I hate to see it go cause Daddy used to ride it. But it's not that valuable and it's just setting. The XT500's have a following, they are worth about $6000 restored. That's one of the things to put in the shed we need to get and put at Moms. I guess it needs to be big enough for Don's boat too. 

Well I guess I better take my vitamins in case Don calls me into work so I don't have to choke them down. 

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