Friday, May 10, 2013


Well don made me help him unload the cargo trailer some, we got the ammo safe out and the ammo back inside. I wish we had more in it, but we have quite a bit, a good start for the zombie apocalypse. The gun safe is still in the trailer, we will need help with it, have to take all guns out, then move it to the garage, then put them back in. It is much heavier than the  ammo safe.

Once we get everything moved and have the auction at the house in Missouri we could leave the safes in the cargo trailer as we will be mobile. But since we have a place to put them that is solid while we both work here, they don't need to be mobile. It's hard to steal a heavy safe, but not if it's in a trailer. The gun safe is fire proof, but the ammo safe while strong is not fire proof. 

We got a lot of things out and Don stored them in the camper. He has a hard time letting got of clothes, I wanted to throw away an old small woman's sweater and he said ill wear that. I was like no you won't , it's too small and it's a woman's. LOL. goofy guy. 

He has a stack of t shirts he is going to give to Larry to pass around. They are event shirts and people will wear them. But he has so many. Better get to work. 

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