Monday, May 27, 2013

New tablet on TV

Don says why do they have to work so hard o advertise that new tablet. The one with all the dancing and clicking. 

I said because once you have an iPad, you are done, if you break your iPad you just get another, you don't even look or think about anything else. It does it all, work and leisure. Small and light, easy to work. Learns your spelling errors and gets to know how to fix your work. They are trying to get you away from something you are happy with. It's kinda hard.. So they have to make you think they are new and exciting and better. 

It works with Phones cause you get a new one every two years. You already know you want the newest phone etc. but the IPhone is still hanging on hard to the market. I have never had an I phone, only this iPad the iPad has one drawback and that's that it won't play some videos. If they would fix that it would be the best out there and no one who has one would look elsewhere. 

Memorial Day.

Don is working for a few hours and I have to start packing for my trip to Missouri, I have to go to Illinois too so I can get my license for the camper. I sent Illinois an e-mail and ask if I had to have an illinois drivers license to register the camper in Illinois and they said no, just a mailing address. No personal property tax in Illinois which is why we have the truck and the Harley's registered there. But we registered them when we bought them, not after we had Missouri drivers license.   

Since we are mobile it will be good to have them in Illinois. When we sell the Missouri house we will have to register our other vehicles in Illinois too. I sure hope this works as easy as the Illinois e-male question answerer at the ILDOT said it would. 

I have a lot to do to get ready for my trip.. I bought Jesse some milk bones (she can eat them) & some natural chicken strips for the trip. Since she is the only one going along, she can have junk food. LOL. The bones not the strips.. 

Don wanted me to take Sassy but I will have lots of stuff in the truck on the way back and Sassy takes a whole seat up. She don't like going back to her old cage at the house for some reason. Last time she was there she was mad the whole time. She loves to ride, but not be at the old house. No since stressing her out for a few days for nothing. 

They will have Don, and the 2 dogs will have their pen and all their treats. Well I need to do something productive. Later Gators. 

Power out again.

This sucks, second day in a row. If its because of Balloon Fest why was it not out Saturday too, they flew Saturday, Sunday & Today. If it is because of Balloon Fest why were we not notified? A card in the mailbox, something..  If they mailed out flyers to the billing address that would not help us cause that  address is in Phoenix AZ, and no one told us. 

I plugged my power inverter in last night so I could have power if this happened again, and I guess I didn't flip the right switch cause it was at 30% when I plugged in the Internet. Just great. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Power out

The power is out at the house, I have power in the camper cause I have a generator, but my Internet is down as is my TV, I can blog cause I have an app that let's me blog on or off line for later posting. It's very annoying, I tried to call the electric and they need my account number to even let me though their automated system to ask if its just this house or if its a block wide outage. I don't know the account number or the bosses last 4 of social. Just the address. 

I was able to get Internet but I don't know for how long, Don has this plug in power inverter battery charger, it was at 80% when I plugged in the Internet so we shall see how long I have Internet. Where there's a will there's a way, no TV tho unless I go plug in the TV and that will take away the Internet cause I only have one converter and they are in separate rooms. 

I can always charge the inverter at the camper, or I could run a power cord from the camper to the house. But that's only if we don't get power back soon. All I gotta do is watch the pool, if it comes back on we are in business.

Anyway I can't get a hold of Don and he has Glenn helping him in the field. Once they start making noise it's impossible to reach them in the field. 

The dogs an I are just setting here, I took my vitamins and now we are just chilling. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Beautiful day here,

But then again it's almost always a beautiful day here, if you have to complain about the weather here then you are just weird. 

Don wants me to go to Missouri next week, I have to get a auctioneer out to look at the furniture and stuff, he said he will give me an offer on everything and I can take it or he will take it to the auction and get a percentage. Don thinks our stuff is worth more than I do, sure it's nice newer stuff, but you don't get newer prices for your stuff once you have taken it home. We have a nice garden tiller, a mower, chainsaws etc. I guess we need to take some of the money and buy a shed to put at Mom's to put what we are not ready to part with in. 

Moms house was supposed to be done so a guest room could take one of the beds out of the house and we could keep our deer heads on the wall in that room. They have to be in a climate controlled area. I hate to take them to Texas and put them in the dormitory house, cause we know we will have to move them again. We could sell some of them, we have 5. But I can't part with 2 of mine, and Don won't part with one of his. 

I don't know but I think he wants me to take the truck and trailer, I really hated driving that trailer empty back to Missouri the semis whip it when you pass them and its empty. I don't mind going in my car. I'm not going to be on the road over the holiday weekend, it's bad enough with all the trucks on those roads.  There really isn't that much stuff to bring back here. We have some trophies of vipers, and some pictures on the walls, they don't need to come here. 

I want my food processor, so I can make hot sauce. I want my bacon presses, my flat iron grill. My iron pan that is made for Spanish rice and sea food pan that I use for everything cause its iron and not chemical laden like the non stick rectangle pans. It's pretty big not sure it will fit in my oven:-((  I would bring my oster blender but its gotten to where it barely runs so it can go. I guess my bread machine can go, health wise I don't eat much bread, not even the GF kind. It's a very nice bread maker.. 

I have more clothes at the house, but there are only a few I need to keep. Don has already taken all his tools and clothes out. He has his collectables, his motorcycle toys. Those need boxed up. I need to get Grandma's accordion, if Moms house was done I would take it there, but I don't know what to do with it now. I suppose I could have Lavonne keep it. Then there is my XT500 Yamaha enduro Don found a new carburetor for it.. I still have the 100 Yamaha enduro too, I hate to see it go cause Daddy used to ride it. But it's not that valuable and it's just setting. The XT500's have a following, they are worth about $6000 restored. That's one of the things to put in the shed we need to get and put at Moms. I guess it needs to be big enough for Don's boat too. 

Well I guess I better take my vitamins in case Don calls me into work so I don't have to choke them down. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Diet and day. 5-23-13

I weighed a day early and I only lost .6 of a lb this week, I guess the honey and GF bread along with  the weekend cheats got me. 2 sodas one at the rally and one later this week, and a couple beers at the rally. Beer does not have artificial sweeteners but it has yeast. The bread probably has yeast. I thought I found a Nice lime & pepper sauce but it has sodium benzoate in it which is a cancer causer and bad for you. If you see something that says no need to refridgate after opening it probably has that in it so don't use it. Read your labels. I so want to find a nice hot sauce with no vinegar in it, but you just can't. Vinegar is good for you, but I just want one without it, I have eaten half my jar of Trina's hot sauce. I guess I should just make my own too, it's not like there is a shortage of fresh peppers in El Paso, LOL. I have a nice Cook brand bullet grinder here. My food processor is still in Missouri, another thing to remember to get next time.  

No cheating this week. Those pork skins and pork belly with the skin I got at Ranchers Market, probably didn't help, but I could not help it, I was drooling just thinking about how close I was to the store at the Mini Dealer. It's a good thing that store Is on the south east side of town. Suppose to be cutting back on meat.. But hay all that cheatinig and I still lost .6 of a pound so what am I bitching bout, I didn't gain. Just goes to show if you really want to loose you have to eat the good food.. It's not about amounts as much as it is what.. Of course fasting in the mornings helps keep the amounts down. 

Off work today, I need to get a truck inspected and then go to the state police and get a paper signed. But the truck is not ready, it has to be inspected by one of our mechanics and make sure it will pass the inspection. 

So with no work today I'm going to get some vitamins at SAMs, then go to Home Depot and get some screws for our cabinets. The latches make you pull so hard on the doors if you are not very careful you jerk them open and over extend the hinges, then the screws get stripped out. I have learned to be careful,  but it only takes one visitor, or an accident to mess um up. I leave the doors I use constantly just almost latched so I don't have to pull them open. Is all about going down the road and not opening, so they need to be that way. These are just a little extreme. We didn't strip the screws, they were already stripped, they used wood glue With the same screws to try and fix um, but you need bigger screws with your wood glue to do it right. 

Sassy is taking it easy this morning, the dogs are snuggling under a blankie. 

Well it's time do do something constructive, like get on my Tiger and go shopping.. Sounds like A plan. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Work today 5-22-13

Have to go in at 9am. Paperwork and then some looking for leaf springs. We are trying to get a new mechanic and now we are out of work again. Everyone took the week off for the holiday I guess. I go in today and do some stuff, but probably won't work tomorrow. No need for me to work with nothing coming in. I have some sorting and inventory I could do, but until we get our contract there is not much use in doing that. 

Well at least I can get some stuff Done around the camper. They haven't called about our warranty work yet. They have to get approval and then get the stuff ordered. We already feel at home in Penny. She is much more of a home than the toy hauler. Much more comfortable, even the dogs like her better. I can stay up and watch a show after Don goes to bed or read and not bother him. 

Well am supposed to be in at 9 and it's 8:13, so I better get off here. 

Got some work today, so that's good. Found the leaf spring hangers, had to order them from Pa. So they Are on their way. Went to the cat dealer and took back cores, no parts ordered so no parts in. They did order some parts this afternoon, but they won't be ready till Friday at the earliest. 

Went to Souper Salad they used to be gluten free friendly, every day you had one gluten free soup, and 2 of the salad mixes were gluten free, then all the regular goodies, now no gluten free soup, and they started putting croutons in their Cesar salad, and Asian crispy noodles in the other salad. Both loaded with wheat. Only the bare lettuce (which is better for you anyway, cause you don't know what's in their dressings) but still it is disappointing. Their marinaded mushrooms are made with vinegar and oil and seasonings not supposed to have any bad stuff in the marinade, they are good. It's still a good place to eat, but I miss the gluten free soup, I know it's probably got bad chemical preservatives in it, but a little wouldn't be bad. Not like we eat there a lot. 

I just plopped EVOO on my salad and a little red vinegar. Some sun flour seeds. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Back to the grind

Had a nice weekend, nice ride, chilly morning out after a nice night in the hotel. The Rally was kinda lame just a few vendors, no free booze at the casino. Free drinks but not booze. But we had a relaxing ride, a very nice room with an amazing view off the balcony. Relaxing night in the room

Then we saw this awesome car, Don was drooling. 

We got pictures taken of us as we rode in, here's Don. 

Then her is me on Tiger, I didn't have a riding photo with Tiger. I wish my reflective jacket had been zipped more but I am smiling for once. 

We wanted to do some more riding touring of the area, but we had to get home cause we had things to do in the evening at home. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Off we go,

We are going to a rally at the Inn Of The Mountain Gods Casino in Riudiso New Mexico. I can pronounce it but I can't spell it and neither can my iPad.  Anyway Don is still sleeping and I am up, I took my vitamins, got a good start on my coffee and am working on my protein psyllium husk powder, I need to get done before Don gets up. Jesse is keeping me warm.

The dogs will be in their pen and the mechanics who are here are going to let them out for PP's and feed um. Sassy will be in her air conditioned house with plenty of extra food and water for a one night trip. Don found a MaCaw on Craiglist buy the cage get the bird free. He's quite a Gorgeous bird and worth more than $500 they asking, but we don't have room for nother bird. I guess we could do it with  Sassy's double stack cage, but she dose not like a it very much. I told Don that bird would have a lot of issues if they are trying to get rid of him. But he needs a home a good home too. He is beautiful & he looked sad in the photo. I know we could make him a lot happier. Sigh. 

Nails slept on the couch last night. When she gets up and tries to come to bed later they don't want to let her on the bed, I stay up a little after Don goes to bed, & she stays with me, (I think she thinks she might miss a snack) she goes to sleep and don't always wake up when I go to bed, then if she wakes up alone later she cries cause the other dogs won't let her jump up on the bed in the dark. So I guess she just stayed on the couch.. Better than waking everyone up later trying to get on the bed. Now she is in bed with Don and Barney
I packed everything yesterday and shaved my parts I couldn't find the window cleaner for my bike, Don had it in his side bag. I guess I'll take Tiger she gets like 49 MPG, Viper gets like 38, she is a pig. I am always making Don stop for gas with Viper, when I have Tiger I'm like what we stopping for, oh you need gas already. LOL. If he's paying attention he knows when Viper is low. 

Viper handles the wind much better than Tiger, and she doesn't put my hands to sleep. I need pull back risers for Tiger. Viper already has gotten all the ergonomic things put on her. Tiger still has stock bars. Tiger also needs crash bars and front foot rest to reach perfection. But now that I have my beautiful windshield she is good to go. Tiger is fun. 

Hope everyone has a. Great weekend. We hope too. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Weekend ahead

There is a bike event at The Inn Of The Mountain Gods in Ruidoso, New Mexico. So looks like we are jumping on the bikes Saturday and heading there, it's not too far.. Just get out and ride and check it out. Races, and rally, vendors and events. 

Ozzy on CSI, "I don't remember 1986" LOL. 

I wish I had the same un worn out body I had in 1986, but Im not up for going back, except for having Daddy and Grandpa, and Nina, and Granny back. 

Anyway I went shopping for the guys to have food to eat in the house, I got hamburger and then made them 2 boxes of hamburger helper, they ate it all.. And 4 big buns made into garlic bread, also all gone. They still have the freezer to raid, and the goodies I put in the fridge. 

Well gonna watch TV 4 while. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Well I feel great, bed late up early, peppy. But have I lost any weight? Not supposed to weigh till Friday.. I didn't get to work out Sunday cause Don made me work so hard in the cargo trailer. I did not get to work out yesterday cause after I had the pool room cooled off Don came home and wanted supper so I had to rush a shower and then go cook. He had steak, a huge loaded baked potato (I brought home front he seafood restaurant Sunday that i didn't eat), and 2/3 a can of green beans with onion butter & real bacon bits. 

I tasted the steak which over cooked while he was in the house taking a shower and talking to the guys in there. It was tender and tasty, but over cooked. Not extreme but gray inside. I ate my toasted greens and veggie protein and a few green beans. I had a few almonds after Don went to bed. & a couple slices do Daikon radish. When I got home from work I made my self some chicken breast with black eyed peas, and lotsa veggies. I thought I would eat the rest for supper with Don but didn't want it. It's still in fridge, it will be my after work meal today, it's very good, but after eating my toasted veggie protein, Im not as hungry. 

For some reason it takes me longer to get out of the house and on the road when I'm riding my motorcycle to work. I have been almost late to 3 mins late . Ugg I gotta figure this out or my boss (Don)  says I'm gonna get fired. LOL. Every day I say I'm leaving earlier, then the garage door goes down about the same time. I think I have everything ready to go, but whoops I forgot this or that. Sigh. I realty hunk I have remembered everything this morning and I'm starting earlier out the door. When Glenn gets back I can't be cutting it so close, it's unprofessional at the least. 5 mins before 9 is not time enough to get my bike locked up and get started. 

So I'm done screwing around on here.. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Nother dream

Dreamed that had leg cramp, got up and got potassium, then dreamed had leg cramp got up and got potassium, then again dreamed had leg cramp and got up and got potassium. Finally actually woke up had leg cramp and tried or ignore it, would not go away, got up and got 2 potassiums, forgot to chew one, didn't go away, had to get up get nother potassium and chew, take drink swallow.. Then in about 30 seconds cramp went away. But by then I was way to wide awake to enjoy my morning in. Sigh. 

When it gets warm in El Paso I have to take extra potassium B4 bed or I pay for it with leg cramps. I don't know why it doesn't do that to everyone but it sure does it to me. 

Friday, May 10, 2013


Setting in the office waiting for NAPA, and waiting till noon to call on our parts that are supposed to all be in at noon. Its18 lines on 11 pages, that's 118 parts or so. Lots of parts to go through if all the orders are in.

We are getting 2 mechanics from the Phoenix shop to help. We need to get some mechanics hired for here, things are looking up but we don't want to hire any new mechanics until we are sure we are going to get the new contract.  Its hard, Don was called out to review 2 or 3 new jobs today. We should have help by Monday.

I helped Don take the articulation apart on a 988H loader this morning in the shop yard. it was quite a delicate job. they have to come apart so far and only so far, too far and you will ruin the hoses. not far enough and you cant line bore them. New pins needed, the frame is cracked in several places from one of the pins being frozen. I don't know if the auto lube was bad, or if they just didn't make sure it was getting grease properly or if they persons did not not grease them according to schedule. Proper greasing saves the company much money. But we do not so standard Maintenance, that is done by their fleet maintenance people. If they don't do their job we have more to do on our end.

We have been setting not working and the machines have been working even with problems that cost more money to fix the longer they are broken. It just does not make since. But now if they start putting us back to work again, we will be hammered with work from all the time we were setting and the machines were running without care.

We were worried that we might loose El Paso, I hope it all works out. we like it here. & the money is good when we are working. 


Well don made me help him unload the cargo trailer some, we got the ammo safe out and the ammo back inside. I wish we had more in it, but we have quite a bit, a good start for the zombie apocalypse. The gun safe is still in the trailer, we will need help with it, have to take all guns out, then move it to the garage, then put them back in. It is much heavier than the  ammo safe.

Once we get everything moved and have the auction at the house in Missouri we could leave the safes in the cargo trailer as we will be mobile. But since we have a place to put them that is solid while we both work here, they don't need to be mobile. It's hard to steal a heavy safe, but not if it's in a trailer. The gun safe is fire proof, but the ammo safe while strong is not fire proof. 

We got a lot of things out and Don stored them in the camper. He has a hard time letting got of clothes, I wanted to throw away an old small woman's sweater and he said ill wear that. I was like no you won't , it's too small and it's a woman's. LOL. goofy guy. 

He has a stack of t shirts he is going to give to Larry to pass around. They are event shirts and people will wear them. But he has so many. Better get to work. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wednesday 5-7-13

Lee left a roasted chicken in the fridge, then texted me and told me to eat it B4 it went bad because he went to Phoenix. It is on my diet, but not that much chicken, have to keep it down to a normal serving. I am making brats for Don, so the chicken will keep me from eating the brats, so I guess that's a win. 
Plus roasted only has the chicken fat. 

Worked 4 hours today, but probably won't need to work tomorrow, Don made the parts order forms and I checked them coded them and sent them in. I wish we would get a decision on our contract, we were so busy B4, I had to work every day and run parts and now we don't know what's going on one day to the next. We like it here, & we like the jobs, so we are waiting. Don can work anywhere so we are not worried, but it's just stressful not knowing. 

Rode the Suzuki to work so Don could leave the truck in the yard hooked to the cargo trailer. The Suzuki is such a nice bike, but we don't need it. Now the Suzuki can stay in the shop in the corner for a while. Angie is going to ride it at Sturgis. 

Well not much else going on, turned on the swamp cooler in the pool room, it had the baffle still in it, so Don went up and took it out, so I will see if its cool in there when I go in. I have to go in the house and take a shower and put the clothes in the dryer, so if its cool ill do my workout before my shower. 

That's all folks. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


I have been making

2 tbs oil, coconut, or safflower, or non toasted sesame. (Coconut oil is best)
1/2 tsp hot sauce (optional)
One scoop MRM veggie protein, (no artificial sweeteners in it) (either flavor, but I prefer vanilla)
One scoop wheat grass powder
3 tbs psyllium husk (pure no added stuff)
3 tbs freshly ground flax seed (grind in coffee grinder right before use)
Sprinkle some black salt to taste (lowers blood pressure)
I add some ground dried mushrooms, they help boost your immune system.

Now that you have this healthy mix, you can put it in a hand hammered well seasoned wok and lightly toast it, you can use non stick pan, but most of them have bad things in them. The oil makes the wok work perfectly for this. Stir constantly and don't over toast, just toast on a high heat till you have gotten the oil mixed into it well. 

It's a little grainy tasting, and the psyllium husk make it a little sticky, don't over toast or over cook or you will loose a lot of nutrients. But I like it better then drinking the psyllium husk which become like slimy gruel. This mix swells so you feel full, and you eat it very slowly because if the way it is. If you try to rush it you could choke, make sure you have water handy, cause of the stickiness, and make sure you chew and swallow a little at a time. Drink a lot of water with it (better yet lemon water sweetened with Stevia in the raw) I swear it taste good. LOL. 

It you over cook it you can kill the nutrients, so here is a photo if it just right, you don't want too loose the green color, if it starts to turn brown you have over cooked it. It will have a few lumps in it from the oil but you smash them as best you can so they mix in, a few will stay that's ok. 

Two reasons for toasting, 1 is that it taste much better. 2 is it stabilizes the flax seed, flax seed likes to go bad very quickly after being ground. An hour after grinding and it's not good for you. But if you want to take this with you for lunch or snacking, toasting will help slow that down. I put mine in those little twist off tops of BPH free plastic containers. Let it cool before putting the lid on, then put it in the fridge,  keep it cool if possible. 

Also because of the flax seed do not make more than you will use the next day, you can mix all the dry stuff together for quick toasting, but the flax needs of be as fresh as possible. It takes no longer than making supper at night. It's for your health and you are worth it. 


I have named our 2005 Alfa See Ya Leisure Penny. I found part of a cover in a drawer that had Penny embroidered on it, I don't know what it covered but it was vinyl. She cost a pretty penny as well so it fits.   If I was creative I would cut out the name and frame it and hang it somewhere.. 

We got her on Saturday the 27th of April 2013. Here is her picture.

New blog journal

I suppose it's fitting to start a new blog journal instead of a story board, or Barney_Dog blog also Barney_Dog on twitter. 

It's fitting to start it now that we have our new class A Diesel Pusher motorhome, it didn't take long it come up its a name for it. Just seemed to fit. 

The dogs are sleeping, Sassy the amazon bird is wanting her cage open but I can't reach it from here. I am setting in the recliner, I may have to go in to work today and take the big hose truck to Don if he needs it. 

Haven't been working much lately, they said 3 weeks we would either get crazy busy or we would not. As if that makes any since. Still waiting in the mine to decide if we get a new contract or not. 

I got to ride my motorcycle to work yesterday but it was kinda windy and not much fun till I got almost back to the house, then I wanted to keep riding. As soon as I had rode to where the wind was blowing again I'm sure I would have wanted to go back, so I came on home and got my stuff done. 

New diet is also on line, I have been eating a lot of psyllium husk I think it must swell inside you as well as clean you out, cause I swear more has been coming out than is going in. I have been eating very little, but, well you get the picture. At least it's not suppose to have any caloric effect. Been eating wheat grass powder, and veggie protein, found some with no soy hormones. I get 22grams of protein for 130 calories, not bad. Flax seed has more calories but is supposed to help regulate my hormones, at my age I need it. Trying to cut our most meat and cheese. Some of my favorite things, cutting out all processed foods, all artificial sweeteners, thank God for Stevia in the raw. I need a lot of protein my weight loss surgeon said about 90 grams a day, so that makes it hard to loose weight. If I did 4 of the 22 grams making 88grams I would have 520 calories, then the oil I'm supposed to eat, usually coconut oil, has lots of calories. I am going with 2 veggie protein's a day 2 wheat grass with it, so I get 44 grams, then I try and eat some beans with peas and other veggies for more. Then either tuna, or chicken.. It was crazy craving the first couple weeks. The cravings have slacked off, but the diet is not really helping weight. I feel great.. But I wanted to loose weight as well as get healthy. I know I am taking in a lot less calories now than i was eating meat and cheese every day, so this makes no sense. I guess my body needs to adjust. I hope the cravings stay away. 

If I don't get enough protein my hair starts falling out & my nails get brittle. I just got them both back in line, I found a collagen pill at SAMs and it has really helped my hair and nails. If I could get by on less protein with the oil and Collagen then I could loose weight, but I'm so afraid to cut back on protein. I though maybe veggie protein veggie calories would not be as bad, but it appears they are. 

I need to look into soy and female hormones cause I know this recent weight gain is hormone related, my age and all. They have a soy protein in bulk at the health store, a lot of protein with fewer calories, I thought of adding a serving of that a day with my non soy protein.. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it. 

Seems like Sabotage is always there, the cooling in the pool room is not working and my elliptical is in. The pool room, when I get off work and want to work out its like a hundred in there with all the windows.