Saturday, June 1, 2013


I went to HiVee when I got to Missouri to get a few days of food, got some mahi mahi and some chicken breast for protein, had to have some organic leeks that jumped in my basket. And I wanted some salad but dressing is all so bad, it all has potassium benzoate in it which is really bad.

HiVee has health /natural food section and I found Bragg vinaigrette dressing. They make Bragg raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the mother AKA.. Bragg ACV. One of the best things you can eat health wise, as well Bragg Almos a gluten free soy sauce. Anyway I they have 2 kinds of salad dressing, no sugars, all good ingredients. Everything in the bottle is good for you. I got a bottle and WOW, the olive oil is such good tasting oil for a base, the flavors are good. Now I can get a dressing without having to make something. I like making things, but just picking up a bottle and knowing its good and good for you is a great thing. Thank you BRAGG. Especially not having sugar or agave or any other kind of sugar.. I could find dressing that was all good except it would have corn syrup, so sugars. 

I found one organic dressing with yogurt  but it had one ingredient I didn't know so I ask my phone and there were all kinds of health risk associated with it. Ugg organic does not mean that they didn't add a chemical to the organic goodies they put in it.. Read your labels study. I feel so much better. I was walking back from the restroom at a rest stop Thursday and I wanted to run, just cause I wanted to run back to the truck. Cause I felt like it. For no reason.. That has not happened in YEARS.. like 30 or so years. LOL. 

Got some peanut butter, ingredients:  roasted peanuts. I found raw organic cashew butter with no other ingredients, but it was too expensive. They have toasted sesame seed butter too. All kinds of good healthy butters. Raw is best of course.. And I may get some later on, but the peanut butter is good. I got some low carb Pailo bread, (cant have one without the other) I can't get it in Texas. It's gluten free and only has like 5 natural ingredients with no additives. Is depressing that I can't find that brand in Texas, cause its the only one that don't put added junk in it.. They freeze it so it keeps.. 

Bread is fattening, but my belt holes have moved in some think I am doing ok. I had no idea how many chemicals I was eating.. Help us all.. 

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