Saturday, June 8, 2013

Long week of sorting

I have been sorting everything for the auction. Lots and lots of things. I put all my spices and silver wear in this old blue Samsonite hard suitcase, it all went good and almost everything fit... And then I tried to lift it.. OMG I swear it weighs 100lbs. 

Anyway I have lots of stuff, I am leaving a lot of kitchen things, my bread machine, which I love but don't need, cause I don't eat bread, even most gluten free bread is grain and I'm trying to avoid grains.

You don't have to have a starch with every meal.. My biggest need is meat. If I go with beans and cut back on meat it just makes me hurt inside ache for meat.. So I switched to the Paleo diet. I have to eat all natural foods as with the other one,  but mostly meat and veggies. Lots of veggies and I can have some fruit too, fruits are good for you. I'm not normally a big fruit eater, but I find eating Paleo I want fruit more. No sugar or corn syrup or additives.  But I wanted banana, and cherries (always want cherries they are my fruit heaven) then I wanted apples. And I even brought some grapes. Haven't ate any yet, but that's cause I just finished my cherries. I know I eat more cherries than I'm supposed too, but they are only around a few weeks then they are gone. So I can't gorge on them all year. LOL. The thing that surprised me is that on Paleo not only do you avoid grains, but you avoid legumes, bean protein and peanuts.. You and have all tree nuts and spices, but not beans or peanuts. I didn't feel right on bean proteins. Eggs are good, tho. But you don't eat dairy. Now I have been thinking I should probably cut out dairy for a while if I want to lose weight, but I just couldn't give up cheese. So I'm doing it, I'm giving up cheese and dairy. I wonder if they make Paleo Cheese. LOL. I found raw cashew butter, it's so sweet you don't need jelly, but I found jelly that has no sugar or artificial sweeteners, it's pretty good. So with Paleo bread I can have a PB&J. Of course that's not something to have every day. I even can't get Paleo bread in El Paso, so that won't be a problem. 

Its supposed to rain again tonight and then in the morning, I was going to stay up late and finish the kitchen packing up the things I'm taking with me, but with rain in the morning I guess i can go to sleep. Won't be starting on the shed in the rain. 

I'm still worried about Barney, I think he's ok.. But I can't go home till I get done here. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Finished basement

I finished sorting the basement, I put everything not for the auction in the finished room, except the bed and lamp I am keeping for the guest room at Mom's. I can't move those so I labeled them. 

I didn't think there would be that much, but most of it is Don's and the butchering stuff. I'm glad the room is done, so I can just pile everything in there. I guess we will take the auction money and get a storage shed to put at Don's Dads so Don can fill it up. I'm not keeping much, I have some sentimental stuff but not much. Tomorrow I will start on the upstairs, moving the things we want to keep down to that room. 

If I can get the upstairs tomorrow & Wednesday then I can do the shed Thursday. After that I will meet with the auctioneer again and go over everything with him. Then he can sell The rest. I should be able to go back to Don then.. 

We will wait till the house sells before cleaning out that room I am filling. Buy the shed and get it there, then we can move everything I put in that room when we come up to close on the house.. Now we just need a buyer. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013


I went to HiVee when I got to Missouri to get a few days of food, got some mahi mahi and some chicken breast for protein, had to have some organic leeks that jumped in my basket. And I wanted some salad but dressing is all so bad, it all has potassium benzoate in it which is really bad.

HiVee has health /natural food section and I found Bragg vinaigrette dressing. They make Bragg raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the mother AKA.. Bragg ACV. One of the best things you can eat health wise, as well Bragg Almos a gluten free soy sauce. Anyway I they have 2 kinds of salad dressing, no sugars, all good ingredients. Everything in the bottle is good for you. I got a bottle and WOW, the olive oil is such good tasting oil for a base, the flavors are good. Now I can get a dressing without having to make something. I like making things, but just picking up a bottle and knowing its good and good for you is a great thing. Thank you BRAGG. Especially not having sugar or agave or any other kind of sugar.. I could find dressing that was all good except it would have corn syrup, so sugars. 

I found one organic dressing with yogurt  but it had one ingredient I didn't know so I ask my phone and there were all kinds of health risk associated with it. Ugg organic does not mean that they didn't add a chemical to the organic goodies they put in it.. Read your labels study. I feel so much better. I was walking back from the restroom at a rest stop Thursday and I wanted to run, just cause I wanted to run back to the truck. Cause I felt like it. For no reason.. That has not happened in YEARS.. like 30 or so years. LOL. 

Got some peanut butter, ingredients:  roasted peanuts. I found raw organic cashew butter with no other ingredients, but it was too expensive. They have toasted sesame seed butter too. All kinds of good healthy butters. Raw is best of course.. And I may get some later on, but the peanut butter is good. I got some low carb Pailo bread, (cant have one without the other) I can't get it in Texas. It's gluten free and only has like 5 natural ingredients with no additives. Is depressing that I can't find that brand in Texas, cause its the only one that don't put added junk in it.. They freeze it so it keeps.. 

Bread is fattening, but my belt holes have moved in some think I am doing ok. I had no idea how many chemicals I was eating.. Help us all.. 

Don's Mom Hospital

Went to see Don's Mom at the hospital, Kim took her in for chest pain on Thursday night but we didn't find out till Friday morning from Angie. She had a heart attack back in 1987, I don't remember her having one, but at that time no one told us anything, she has a stent in her heart or something and had a lot of damage from that heart attack. She even had surgery but I don't remember if anyone even told us. I was still the crazy unworthy daughter-in-law back then and I think Don was still not getting along well with his Dad. 

We get along better now.. Thank goodness. We knew she had a stent put in one of the veins to her kidney a few years ago cause it was causing high blood pressure, We also knew about her 2 knee surgeries and her broken arm. Just not the heart issues back then. But knowing now makes this all the scarier. 

She and heart pain so bad it took 3 nitro glycerin pills and a nitro patch to get her heart to start behaving and stop hurting. Now she is getting the nitro through a patch. Her doctor wanted to send her home cause the pain stopped. But the Memorial Hospital in Belleville's cardiologist said no. I don't Kline her doctor, they didn't even do a cat scan or an ultra sound or anything and he wanted to send her home. 

Anyway she is having a chemical stress test tomorrow, cause one of her knee surgeries is too fresh for a physical stress test. We won't know anything till after the stress test, the doctor told her it is just step one, and he expects to have to do a scope next, then whatever else is needed. He told her to get comfy she wasn't going anywhere. 

I visited with her a while, I wish I had kept a hold of her birthday gift and brought it with me, but I dropped it off at her house. Oh well, Dad Hill can bring it up with him. 

She is in good spirits and they are keeping her stable, she is not on oxygen anymore like,she was at first, and she feels ok, a little dizzy still, because she is not right. I hope they are careful with her. It's worrying but all we can do is pray.. I will update as soon as I know more.

I'm back in Missouri, got the license for the camper from Illinois. Didn't get my car transferred to Illinois cause I didn't have my loan paper, never would have thought I needed that. Oh we'll, I can transfer that some other time.