Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Good morning everyone I am not working today, unless something comes up. Going to swim some laps for exercise later as my elliptical is packed away. 

We are going to Phoenix to take some of our stuff and some of Dennis stuff and put it in the semi trailer cargo trailer conex thing That the boss has gotten for us to store stuff in. Then we will pick up our camper, bring it back here and start loading the trailer again for more stuff moving. We are suppose to be leaving El Paso the end of this month, we need to get our stuff Moved B4 we leave for Sturgis at the end of the month. Dons tools are the biggest thing that needs moved and I imagine we will move his tools in another conex trailer when we start moving things out of the shop. 

The new mechanic is working out pretty good. He seems to know his stuff and is not slow. 

I have been holding back posting some stuff. But Glenn is quitting, when we leave El Paso he would have to go try and work with the office people in Phoenix and he really won't be needed as they already have office people there. It's sad. I really won't be needed in Phoenix either, I don't want them to give me a job just because I am Don's wife. But having insurance is really nice. Working part time is all I am doing now to keep my insurance. 

I don't know if we have the new DDR yard yet in Phoenix, Lonnie is working on getting it lined out but all the wiring was stolen and he wants it either fixed or money to get it fixed knocked off the purchase price.. If he gets it then we will have lots of work for a long time, moving to the new yard, setting up the shop, etc. plus they have been very busy with work and need good mechanics because they are growing, and running out of room in the old yard. 

The lawn people are here, so the dogs have to wait for PP time, but Don puts them out in the morning B4 he leaves. I getting lots of doggie snuggles this morning. Sassy is still in bed, but she wants to get up, she is all the way across the room, so next time I get up she needs to make noise. LOL. 

Don put the trunk back on the Suzuki finally after he broke the brake away bolts when he got stuck in the sand. We tried to get more brake away bolts but the dealers around here don't have them so it got regular bolts. I have to order back brakes for my Triumph, if she didn't go so ft she wouldn't need back brakes. I also need to order her pull back risers, we can get cables while in Sturgis so she don't make my hands sleep anymore. 

The Auctioneer is done taking stuff from the house, it took him 3 days to get it all. I told him we needed our money by the middle of the month so we can pay our Illinois property taxes and use it for vacation, and hopefully enough to buy a storage shed, for the rest of the stuff in our house. I wish the house would sell and we could pay off the truck, which only has a couple months left. 

Well I better go I have lots of stuff to do., 

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